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Tuesday, February 13
AACN Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Education within a Competency-Based Framework – Part 1 of 2
Ann Van Eerden, MSN, MS, RN, CNE, NCSN

A Live Virtual Event • 12:50 – 3:45 PM (Central Time)
Recording available for 60 days post-event for CE

Part 1: Teaching Effectively in a Competency-Based Curriculum
This two-part session will begin with an overview of Competency Based Education (CBE): the definition(s), history, its use in the education of health care professionals, and finally how the new AACN Essentials can drive change in nursing education. As we further explore CBE, we will focus on the importance of learner centered outcomes and the learner’s role in a competency-based curriculum and highlight learner centered strategies that promote student engagement, experiential learning, feedback, and learner self-assessment.

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