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Monday, July 22
From 68% to 92% in One Year: Strategies to Increase Your NCLEX® Pass Rates – Part 2 of 3
Kaitlin Cobourne, PhD, RN, Associate Dean of Nursing at South College Pittsburgh

A Live Virtual Event • 12:50 – 3:45 PM (Central Time)
Recording available for 60 days post-event for CE

NCLEX® Preparation in Final Nursing Courses
An innovative session for NCLEX® preparation in final nursing courses. Students need to be prepared to take their NCLEX® upon graduation and through the use of standardized testing products faculty can use these results to teach to the cohort’s areas of weakness. This session will review the following strategies that can be placed into final nursing courses:
• Standardized testing
• Student remediation
• NCLEX® boot camps
• Innovate quizzing strategies
• Example of final course layout

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