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January 12, 2022: Physical Assessment: If You Only Have 15 Minutes

Barb Bancroft’s Clinical Topics for Faculty, Nurses and Students

A Live Virtual Event Time  8:50 AM – 1:45 PM (Central Time Zone)
Recordings available for 60 days post-event for CE

The most important part of any physical exam is taking the patient HISTORY. Learn how to characterize the chief complaint by asking the right questions—the PQRST + AAA way. Barb provides examples of how to use this mnemonic to get the most information in the least amount of time. Barb will then guide you through assessment basics—where to “listen” if you only have a minute, where to “look” if you only have a minute, where to “feel” if you only have a minute. Barb correlates anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology for each major system discussed—the heart, the lungs, the abdomen, and the nervous system. You will also be amazed at the information you can glean from basic vital sign evaluation. Last, but not least, Barb discusses various drug classes and the side effects that can confound a physical exam.

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