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Wednesday, March 12
Teaching Pharmacology Made Insanely EASY!
Loretta Manning, MSN, RN
A Live Virtual Event • 12:50 – 3:45 PM (Central Time)
Recording available for 60 days post-event for CE

If students are struggling now with pharmacology on nursing exams, how in the world can they succeed on the NCLEX® and safely administer medications in clinical practice? How can nursing faculty thrive versus just survive when teaching the overwhelming amount of information associated with pharmacology? This session will illustrate the “Less is Best Approach” for assisting students to move newly learned information to long-term memory for content mastery. Content mastery is the first essential step for NCLEX, NGN success and clinical practice. An engaging session that will demonstrate how to transform your pharmacology course from students experiencing fear of failure due to information overload to having fun while learning all those medications. Strategies will be demonstrated how to develop and advance clinical decision making and judgment strategies by connecting and linking standards to pharmacology agents. Who said pharmacology cannot be fun?

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