Calendar of Events
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Integrating the AACN Essentials Into the Curriculum: The Educator’s Role
Integrating the AACN Essentials Into the Curriculum: The Educator’s Role
This presentation will discuss step-by-step processes that can be taken to move faculty colleagues toward a competency-based curriculum aligned with the 2021 Essentials. Approaches for conducting an effective and useful curriculum mapping will be demonstrated. Strategies to engage colleagues in the innovative work of developing and growing competency-based teaching activities and assessments will be discussed.
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Barb Bancroft’s Clinical Topics for Faculty, Nurses and Students: Lab Tests – The ABC’s of RBCs, WBC’s, SPEPs, hsCRPs, ApoB, MCV, Hb, RETIC count, AST’s, ALTs, and ALPs
Barb Bancroft’s Clinical Topics for Faculty, Nurses and Students: Lab Tests – The ABC’s of RBCs, WBC’s, SPEPs, hsCRPs, ApoB, MCV, Hb, RETIC count, AST’s, ALTs, and ALPs
Enjoy the latest update on the Interpretation of Lab Tests and their clinical relevance to disease and dietary interpretation. Barb will discuss serum proteins, including albumin and the lipoproteins and their relationship to nutritional assessment and dietary manipulation. Anemias will also be discussed as they relate to B12, folic acid and iron deficiency. The WBC and differential will be discussed as it relates to various infections and their clinical manifestations. Barb will also include the influence of common drugs on various lab tests.
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Using Concept Mapping To Promote Clinical Judgment
Using Concept Mapping To Promote Clinical Judgment
This session provides a "how–to” approach for developing a concept map as an active teaching/learning tool helping students "put the pieces of the puzzle together.” Development, grading, repetition and barriers will be discussed. Concept Maps will be provided as examples for use for study or examples with teaching. Understanding how concept mapping really works in developing clinical judgment is an eye-opener for many.
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Enhancing Clinical Judgment in Nursing Education: Leveraging Case Studies and Item Writing
Enhancing Clinical Judgment in Nursing Education: Leveraging Case Studies and Item Writing
This presentation will explore the critical role of case studies and item writing in fostering clinical judgment. A step-by-step guide for developing unfolding case studies will be explored, emphasizing strategies for enhancing clinical reasoning and problem-solving. The session will also include practical techniques for crafting NCLEX questions to promote critical thinking and knowledge application.
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The Image of Nursing: Shaping Perceptions and Elevating the Profession
The Image of Nursing: Shaping Perceptions and Elevating the Profession
This presentation examines the evolving image of nursing, its historical context, current perceptions, and strategies for improving the portrayal of nursing in healthcare and society. Nurses will explore the role of media, public opinion, and professional conduct in shaping nursing's image.
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Implementation of Low-Tech, High Impact Next Gen Strategies
Implementation of Low-Tech, High Impact Next Gen Strategies
The implementation of the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) has led nursing programs across the county to implement new instructional and evaluation strategies in a quest to prepare students for the updated licensure examination. This webinar will assist faculty in developing a cost-effective and impactful strategy which promotes successful NGN performance.
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Publish, Present or Perish!
Publish, Present or Perish!
Nursing faculty are strongly encouraged to present, publish, and disseminate their research in learned forums. For most new or even seasoned faculty this aspect of their faculty appointments is often neglected due to intense and overwhelming teaching and clinical assignments. This webinar is designed with the busy faculty member in mind, helping to develop an idea into either a podium or poster presentation.