Please be sure and view the list of conferences below to submit your abstract.

Poster Guidelines:

Consider submitting a poster  abstract related to a project or evidence-based clinical study with implications for nursing practice related to the subject matter of the conference. Students are encouraged to submit an abstract.  All participants will receive a certificate for the poster presentation.  The presenter is requested to be available during breaks to interact with attendees and discuss the implications of your project. Abstracts will be peer reviewed with notification of acceptance within two weeks after submission.

For questions, please email or call 870-715-7508. You must be a paid registrant to submit a poster.

Abstracts are to be submitted online (below is form) or via email as a Word® document and should include the information below.  Submit the document with the file name: Primary Author’s LAST NAME_ NAME of your POSTER

  • Title
  • Author(s) and contact information – include all authors’ names, credentials and titles as you would like them to appear in the conference notebook
  • Abstract or summary of project- see sample below
  • Limitations/Conclusions
  • Implications for nursing educational practice
  • At least 2 presentation outcomes using terms such as:
    • Describe
    • Relate
    • Identify
    • Develop
    • Implement

*Sample Abstract – This project was the combining of two separate courses, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology.  The classes were combined to see if student learning and satisfaction with the course material increased.  Linking Pathophysiology and Pharmacology became a natural way to give students the needed background for advancing their educational learning.

Please be sure to mention the name of the conference in the subject line of your email. Thank you!

  • Select Conference

    Deadline for All Posters is 30 Days Prior to Conference Start Date.
  • Contact Information

  • e.g. MSN, RN....
  • Submit Abstract Providing Individual Answers - Or Upload Word Doc Below

  • Include all authors' names, credentials and titles as you would like them to appear in the conference handouts.
  • List 2 objectives the attendee will meet after viewing the poster
  • Upload Abstract

  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.