Deanne’s first published book was an orientation pocket booklet when she worked in the Surgical ICU. This booklet fit into the pocket of her scrubs and contained the basic information as new critical care nurse would need when caring for critical ill surgical patients and open heart surgery patients. Nurses from the unit encouraged her to publish the book and when this was done, each new employee who came into SICU would get this pocket booklet.
Since then, Deanne has co-authored a book on concept mapping with Dr. Linda Caputi titled “Teaching Nursing Using Concept Mapping” published by the College of DuPage Press. Deanne has also written a chapter on concept mapping in the “Teaching Nursing” series of books published by College of DuPage.
In addition to co-authoring Teaching Nursing Using Concept Maps, Deanne has contributed many concept maps for a variety of nursing books including Fundamentals of Nursing, Medical/Surgical Nursing, and Critical Care Nursing textbooks.
Deanne’s latest publication (2017) in concept mapping is a chapter titled Using Concept Mapping for Conceptual Learning in Donna Ignatavicius’ Teaching and Learning in a Concept-Based Nursing Curriculum: A How-To Best Approach
Deanne is a contributor to NCLEX® Review book updates, a chapter contributor to Ignatavicius and Workman’s Medical Surgical Nursing textbook and contributed concept maps to:
- Oermann’s Teaching in Nursing and Role of the Educator: The Complete Guide to Best Practice in Teaching, Evaluation and Curriculum Development,
- Alfaro-LeFevre’s Applying Nursing Process: A Tool for Critical Thinking
- Oermann and Gaberson’s Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education
- Alfaro-LeFevre’s Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach