Concept Mapping Expert Deanne Blach
Deanne is an expert and national speaker on teaching students and faculty how to use concept mapping in nursing education to foster critical thinking.
She is co-author of Teaching Nursing Using Concept Mapping (2008) with Linda Caputi and is a contributing author of Teaching Nursing; the Art and Science with a chapter titled Using Concept Mapping to Foster Critical Thinking.
Deanne Understands How to Implement Concept Mapping Into Nursing Curriculum
Deanne also designed many concept maps for a variety of nursing textbooks. Deanne was an advisor for Rosalinda Alfaro’s Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach (4th ed.) and has contributed concept maps for Marilyn Oermann’s Clinical Teaching in Nursing Education.
You are passionate about the concept maps, it comes across in your teaching. How creative you are!! Footprints and arrows – finding our way, the activities and supplies – the active learning was truly appreciated. Conference attendee Boot Camp for Nurse Educators ®
Deanne’s latest concept mapping project is designing concept maps for Ignatavicius and Workman’s 9th edition of their Medical/Surgical Nursing Textbook.
Deanne presents to nursing students and nursing faculty on how to implement concept mapping into nursing curriculum. She has several examples of student’s maps and her own concept maps that she shares with attendees. She provides examples of grading rubrics, and discusses the resistance to change that some schools face.
Deanne’s latest publication (2017) in concept mapping is a chapter titled Using Concept Mapping for Conceptual Learning in Donna Ignatavicius’ Teaching and Learning in a Concept-Based Nursing Curriculum: A How-To Best Approach
Deanne is a contributor to NCLEX® Review book updates, a chapter contributor to Ignatavicius and Workman’s Medical Surgical Nursing textbook and contributed concept maps to:
- Oermann’s Teaching in Nursing and Role of the Educator: The Complete Guide to Best Practice in Teaching, Evaluation and Curriculum Development,
- Alfaro-LeFevre’s Applying Nursing Process: A Tool for Critical Thinking
- Oermann and Gaberson’s Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education
- Alfaro-LeFevre’s Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach