The implementation of the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) has led nursing programs across the county to implement new instructional and evaluation strategies in a quest to prepare students for the updated licensure examination. This webinar will assist faculty in developing a cost-effective and impactful strategy which promotes successful NGN performance.

Publish, Present or Perish!

February 28 @ 12:50 pm - 3:45 pm CST

Nursing faculty are strongly encouraged to present, publish, and disseminate their research in learned forums. For most new or even seasoned faculty this aspect of their faculty appointments is often neglected due to intense and overwhelming teaching and clinical assignments. This webinar is designed with the busy faculty member in mind, helping to develop an idea into either a podium or poster presentation.

Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing

March 7 @ 12:50 pm - 3:45 pm CST

This session examines various assessment methods for use in nursing education. The session will examine assessment decisions and how competencies fit in, evolving concepts of assessment in competency-based education, and assessment for and of learning. Strategies for assessment in competency-based education will be explored.

Teaching Pharmacology Made Insanely EASY!

March 12 @ 12:50 pm - 3:45 pm CDT

Description coming soon!

Let’s face it, some nursing topics are harder to teach than others. This hands on session will explore the top ten challenging topics, including some essential nursing skills. Discover innovative and creative ways to teach that inspire deeper levels of thinking and engagement for your learners. Experience technology you can incorporate into your teaching practice.

Academic Integrity

March 21 @ 12:50 pm - 3:45 pm CDT

Participants will learn best practices for promoting professionalism and academic integrity within nursing education. Emphasis will be placed on how ethical practice, derived from honesty, serves as the cornerstone of a thriving educational and clinical environment.

Planting Seeds: The Power of Rubrics

March 28 @ 12:50 pm - 3:45 pm CDT

This session will provide best practice approaches for rubric development. A "how to" for successful integration of rubrics across learning environments will be presented. Topics include common problems involved in assessment, objective evaluation, developing valid rubrics and successful integration of rubrics.

The 25th Annual Branson Nurse Educator Institute

April 7 @ 7:30 am - April 9 @ 4:15 pm CDT

This comprehensive nursing education conference offers a robust agenda tailored to educators seeking innovative strategies and tools to enhance their teaching practices and address current challenges in nursing education. With engaging exhibits, poster sessions, and expert-led discussions, this event equips nursing educators with practical, evidence-based approaches to transform learning environments and improve student outcomes. On Day 3, join Barb Bancroft for an educational and entertaining journey through changes and challenges Barb has observed over her 50+ years in the Medical and Nursing Profession.

Have you ever wondered how to make content memorable for your learners? Noticed that there are several different ways to reinforce important information for your learners? Let "Know What" introduce you to her learners. This session compares eight cartoon characters to the eight frames of mind according to Dr. David Lazear, et al., the recognized expert in multiple intelligences.

Legal Issues in Nursing Education

April 22 @ 12:50 pm - 3:45 pm CDT

Topics Include: Elements of negligence claim, various acts and omissions that constitute negligence, Negligent teaching, Hostile work environment, quid pro quo, and retaliation, Other discrimination claims, What constitutes a "reasonable accommodation" and what is the "interactive process?", Handling records, Handling issues of grades, discipline, and free-speech issues, strategies to protect yourself in the electronic age, First Amendment thoughts: James Madison never thought about social networking, e-mail in general: FOIA and litigation issues, social networking sites: policies (or not) to have in place and other things you never thought you’d have to deal with, and basic netiquette.

This interactive webinar is designed to help both novice and seasoned nursing faculty with keys to educating the next generation of nurses using evidence to assist faculty in  developing skills they can use to make sound clinical judgements.


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